01 — Gathering
We’re intentional in creating gatherings that are regionally empowered with the intent to connect ministry peers, provide support and practical resources that you can take back to your church.
02 — Peer-Relationships
Time and time again, I keep hearing and seeing Ministry Executives (those in the 2nd Chair) being in a place of loneliness, where colleagues or even their senior pastors don’t understand the weight we’re carrying. What better way to resolve that than creating a space you can build peer relationships. Connect with peers, who understand the role you play at your church.
03 — Support
Similar to the above, when we’re feeling lonely in our roles as Ministry Executives (those in the 2nd Chair), support feels scarce due to a lack of understanding. We are creating a safe space where you as a Ministry Executive can feel supported, encouraged, and inspired to continue to live out your calling in ministry.
04 — Resources
As the Body of Christ, we’re called to be ONE CHURCH supporting and resourcing each other as one church has access and another lacks. Acts 2:44-45 “And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.”
Nothing transformational happens in a silo. Join our next gathering.
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